“Splash City,” a fresh feature film directed by Alex Ferrufino. Written by Berner and David Mansanalez, the plot centers on a crew of young men from San Francisco who band together in a dangerous city underbelly subculture, known locally as ‘bipping’ cars — a Bay Area term for smash-and-grab car thefts.
The alarming reality in the Bay Area, where every 30 seconds a window is broken and a car is broken into, provides the backdrop for this hard-hitting story. None are immune to this pervasive criminal activity – a stark and sobering truth the movie elucidates.
“‘Splash City’ is a movie about the smash-and-grab culture and crew from the Fillmore district in San Francisco. It has the feel of the Bay Area’s version of New Jersey Drive meets Juice.” (Source: Originally published in Variety, February 21, 2024)
Rajiv Shah, a Bay Area native himself, joins the cast in the role of Larry- a flamboyant jewelry dealer with ties to the criminal underworld. Rajiv is excited to bring his talents to this gritty and hard hitting crime drama.
“Splash City” was also featured in Variety.
The official teaser for “Splash City” can be watched on YouTube. For more details about the movie, visit its IMDb page.
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